Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I get very teird ans sleepy while running, why?

I'm training for the cross country running season, and have been running 2.4 miles every morning. The run takes about 20 min, but 10 min into it, I start to get tired. This tired is different than my muscles are tired, it鈥檚 like if I stop and lay down I could fall asleep instantly. Then when I'm done running I'm still tired and just want to sleep.

I don't drink energy drinks or soda, because they make my stomach upset. I eat pretty healthy, and for the most part stay away from junk food stuff. I live in Maine but I'm spending the summer in Arizona with family. Because of the crazy hot weather I go for runs at 4am because it鈥檚 usually only 85 degrees, which is almost tolerable. This means however that I don't eat breakfast before I run because well its 4am. I also go to the gym every day and do cross training and strength exercises to prevent injuries. That includes 20 minutes on a stationary bike then about 30-45 min of good stretching, some core, legs, and sometimes arms. But the strength stuff is alternated so I don't get to sore.I get very teird ans sleepy while running, why?
There could be several reasons why you're getting this super tired, ready to sleep feeling. If you don't eat a little while before you run, and you've just woken up, your body has no food to burn, so it's like you're running a car on empty. The change in weather could also be affecting you. When I exercise in a crisp enviornment I'm usually fine, but in a hot place the air can feel so intense that it causes me to feel lethargic and really tired. I'm not a trainer, but I would recommend either waking up earlier to eat breakfast and then run, or I would go running later in the evening when the sun has set. When I exercise in the afternoon/evening I usually have more energy and I don't feel as tired. I know that you're on a routine now, but it doesn't seem to be working for you. I would try and switch it up and see what happens.I get very teird ans sleepy while running, why?
It seems I've answered this question before but you've added more pertinent information.

You are tired and sleepy due to, as you say, "because well its 4am". Unless you are used to getting up at that time in Maine, well actually with the time change you would have been having to get up at 1. So unless you are accostomed to intense physical activity at 1 in the morning, tired and sleepy sounds like a normal reaction.I get very teird ans sleepy while running, why?
probbly cause you wake up at 4a.m. I suggest you run in the afternoon when it starts to cool down and you have energy. Whats the point of running if your practically asleep!

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