Monday, January 23, 2012

What is the weather like where you are?

I am in Maine and here it is rainy and windy.What is the weather like where you are?
i am in mass its also rainy windy and cold
I'm in Colorado and it is snowy and sunny...=)What is the weather like where you are?
Texas... 72 and sunshine
its been rainin all week with storm force winds but today it was nice and sunny but very cold winter is coming i can smell it in the air and snow is forcast for next week wooooohooooooooWhat is the weather like where you are?
cold and raining on long island
Upstate New York is getting the same as Maine.
St. Louis, MO. Very windy, cool. Finally stopped raining. St Louis Cardinals rule!
Windy and rainy changed to wind and snow. But it's not sticking. West Virginia
Castle Rock, Co. a foot of snow on thurs. sunny and 60s for the next few days and the snow is almost gone, streets clean and dry
pleasntly cool - Houston

any other time of the year it would be scorching
Please only post science and math questions in the science and math section.
Here in Grand Rapids, Michigan it is 41 degrees and breezy, but it was very windy earlier.

FYI Rachel S., this is being posted in the "Weather" category, so I do believe it is a legitimate question.
I am in Arkansas in the northeast part and it is 40 degrees outside and windy. Was rainy yesterday. and just cold today.
West Central Indiana and we had sun and slightly warmer temps, but a lot of wind, so nobody could tell it was warmer.
Sat. 9:40 pm, Rainy, somewhat chilly for Louisiana. It was 50

degrees earlier. It warmed to 70 %26amp; is back to 60.
I m in Singapore.. Now we are experiencing bad hazy weather due to the smoke from indonesia.. Apart from that..its sunny %26amp; humid mostly...

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