Thursday, January 26, 2012

What to wear in Maine?

I am moving to Augusta, Maine at the end of September from sunny California. What do people wear in Maine to stay warm? What kind of shoes, etc.? I'll be living in Maine through most of the Winter and will have to survive whatever cold temperatures the weather throws at me. Any help would be appreciated!!

Thanks!What to wear in Maine?
Tight jeans are always appropriate.
Hey.. I dont live in maine...but I do live in massachusetts..

So ur moving to new england states huh?

Its FREEZING in the winter. expect negative degrees..

You should get a big coat for the winter. And also some light jackets for the fall and spring. Im not sure about the summer up there..but it cant be that bad.. like80s-90? maybe?

Might wanna get some boots for the winter =]What to wear in Maine?
wow- california to maine is a HUGE change! but don't worry! maine is beautiful.. especially augusta! i go there every year.. every august, and i live in california too! my cousins live there and it's really not that bad, except it gets cold at night.. in august, it's only in the 50's, sometimes 60's! but it's kind of a nice, refreshing change, and it's not humid so it doesn't make your hair friz =] lol...

just have a lot of jeans! i always wear jeans there! sweaters.. but cute sweaters... like from hollister or abercrombie... if it's really cold, put a matching tank or polo under them.. that looks cute also.. get a heavy winter jacket.. i usually wear a north face at night when i'm up there.... get a lot of fleece and sweatshirts.. but the summers are still pretty warm... 80's... regular t-shirts and shorts will do

good luck on your move! i hope you are happy with it!

xox- amanda
Well, people in Maine are used to the cold, so you'll probably want to dress warmer than the natives do :-)

Layers are always a smart idea. I'd invest in a good pair of snow boots, cuz you'll get plenty of that (you can buy them when you get here, if you don't have any now, you probably won't get any good snow until at least the end of October). Otherwise, just normal clothes - everything is heated, afterall. And you can always go shopping here.What to wear in Maine?
heyy i live in maine !! i moved here last year. haha everyone says ppl in maine are hillbillies but i must say i thought the same . but i was totally wrong. id go with some cute jeans, camis with a sweater over it. id also invest in so expensive, cute, and durable boots. i gurentee youll look cute adn you wont be cold in the frosty maine weather

hope it helps !!

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