Thursday, January 26, 2012

What is night like in Coastal Maine?

my church is going on a mission trip to Calias, Maine and i want to kno is the weather at night cold? freezing? pleze answer!!!What is night like in Coastal Maine?
Hey!, My family's from Calais(woodland actually, But it's like 2 minutes from Calais.)..Any who, If your talking about summer time::: Lately it's been really hot and humid everywhere in Maine...It's not really freezing in the summer, But it may get slightly chilly, So bring a sweatshirt...calais isn't really near the ocean, So it won't be as cold(Not really cold, But you know.) as Searsport, or Camden.What is night like in Coastal Maine?
I'm not trying to be funny but it depends on the time of year. Winter is FREEZING of course. You don't say where you live but even in the summer it's going to be much colder than you expect. Outside at night during the summer I would bring a long-sleeved shirt just in case. You won't be too hot in jeans. By late August or early september, evenings are chilly. Just pack a light coat and a pair of pants and you'll be set. By the way, I lived in Maine for 11 years.

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