Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The EGR pipe is cut on my Nissan Maxima?

I recently bought this car out right, and not even a month later my exhaust is super loud! I had a friend look at it and its coming from under the hood. Its the EGR pipe he said. Apparently the prior owner had cut the pipe in half for some reason and then put a peice of heater hose and clamp on it, that didnt hold up to the HEAT, and melted off. Now I have called around and its a dealer item for the pipe and I have to replace the EGR valve also, they want like $300.00 for the parts then I gotta pay someone to put it in. I cant afford that right now, so a friend suggested using JB weld, tried that didnt hold to soupy. Then another person said try the exhaust tape tried that, melted right off! Well finally someone suggested to use what they call Quick Steel! That worked awesome for like a week! Now it has melted off and is louder then ever again. I am wondering if anyone out there has any suggestions that may help me until i get my income taxes and can afford to buy the new parts. My firend was thinking about welding it, but its such a tiny area to get to it would be impossiable! Its down behind the intake manifold with everything in the way! Its hard enough to get our hands down in there to mold the quick steel on. Honestly i thought the qucik steel was perfect..but guess not. Maybe someone out there has a suggestion on how to get the quick steel to hold any better? I dont know. I just know I need a qucik in expensive fix! Its killing my gas too! Also I am very curious as to why this would have been gut in half to begin with. SO if anyone has any ideas, advice anything, i would greatly appriciate it! Thanks in advance!!!

*also I live in Maine so gotta take the COLD weather into consideration!The EGR pipe is cut on my Nissan Maxima?
Try a junkyard. You could get the part cheaper but if it is bad then you still have bad gas mileage but a lot quieter. It probably rusted out. If it was cut then they might have tried putting on a header and then found out that gas mileage sucked with that.The EGR pipe is cut on my Nissan Maxima?
Since there was heater hose on the pipe already, you can replace it with silicone hose. You can buy this at a parts store. Ask for the hose used to connect a catalytic converter to a smog pump tube.

This hose will hold up to the heat, but it may cost as much as $25 per foot. Cheaper than the new pipe and labor.

You could also try to pinch the pipe closed with pliers until you can fix it right. That would quiet it down some at least.
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