Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Camping in the winter in a rv?

i live in maine and want to know if with the weather up here a hybrid camper trailer or a pop up camper would protect me from the weatherCamping in the winter in a rv?
Sure you can use it in the winter, but be prepared to treat it like a tent on wheels. What I mean is that it will get cold, and it will be very difficult to keep it warm even with good heaters.

Use a good 30 degree or lower sleeping bag, and plan on running the heater all night. I recommend the Buddy heater from Mr. Heater. There are 2 sizes, depending on the size of your pop up, but I use the smaller one that runs on one propane tank for ice fishing, and it does great.

I sit on the ice in a T shirt in what is no more than a tent, at -20 degrees, and I'm fine. With my camper, a 28 foot hard side, I kept it comfortable all night with this little heater when it was about 25 degrees.

Take a look at the table on the below website - this guy measured the temperatures in and out, and I think you'll like the results.

No reason not to camp all year long!Camping in the winter in a rv?
A soft sided camper would get pretty cold, but hey, I've seen people in tents camping in the snow. I wouldn't do it, but I like my creature comforts too much like a heater. We have a truck camper, fully contained with a heater and do go camping in the winter. It;s fun to roll out of bed, and strap on your cross country ski's and just go. We also like going to Yosemite in the winter as it is the most beautiful time of the year.Camping in the winter in a rv?
It gets cold in Maine. Some RVs are built to be used year round. You would have to ask the salesman or manufacturer if it is rated for winter use. I wouldn't suggest a pop-up though.

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