how's everyone doing so far and what are your weekend plans with your dogs? Anyone have shows/events on tap? Any good news?
I start a new job week after next 3 days a week long hours but the pay is better and free Direct TV. So in a few checks I will be fully stocked and loaded for my pup this summer.
Since the weather is nicer up here in Maine, all the dogs are out and about. Got to see and meet the new local rescue greyhounds and speak with their owners. Anyone else's dog enjoying the retreat of winter and the snow?
Also for those who need the information and didn't know it you can report the clones direct from their pulse accounts.|||Happy Wet Friday from So Cal!!!!!
No events this weekend however last weekend we had an Agility trial. So that will be my good news report.
The Rough Collie was entered in her third trial, the Pomeranian her Agility Debut. Poor Collie got roped into doing agility when the Pom needed soft palate surgery last year and I wanted to keep going to class while the Pom recuperated. My Rough Collie IS the model for low energy/no carbon footprint. Bless her heart though whatever I have asked her to do she gets it done and does it well.
The Collie had titled in Novice Jumpers with Weaves in three tries so she was moved up to Open JWW but was making her debut in Novice Standard. The Pom was in both Novice JWW and Novice Standard. The Rough Collie came home with Two firsts and a second, the Pomeranian came home with Three Firsts. YAY. The third day of the trial was rained out- the venue had 5" of rain in one day! Ark weather for sure.
I am totally addicted to agility. My youngest Pom will start agility classes this next week if the weather cooperates. He is going to be a superstar.
Bad news was I lost one of my dogs to sinus cancer this week. She was a really good girl, no trouble. She came to me when she was left behind at the naval base. The owners relocated and just left her behind. She was going to be hauled off to the pound when I came along and told the base I would take her, that was 13 years ago. I have no idea where time goes. I am down to four dogs the lowest number I have had in the last 25 years. My old Akita is hanging in but has been dealing with degenerative myelopathy.
Congrats on the new job.
Are you on a waiting list for a litter already?
How exciting.
Can you remind me what kind of dog you are getting?
Being old every time I take in new information it pushes old information out of my head.
Rain day today so I am stuck in the house.
ADD: A Catahoula I SHOULD Have remembered that I have I wonder what info has now been pushed back out of my head.....I hate getting old.
ADD2- Thanks Rayven and Kaper, no matter how much you prepare it still is horrible to lose them.
That is two of my old ones now gone since December. = (|||Good morning. :o)
I am feeling very whiny today, because we have had several days of cold and rain, and being in Southern CA, I am spoiled and am used to seeing sunshine. Only last week it was in the 70s, but Im not sure it reached 50 yesterday. My dogs are all huddled up trying to stay warm.
Nothing special this weekend, just the usual Petco trip to sit with the shelter dogs.
Is it just me, or is every third question this week from a troll?|||Good Morning Sunshine
I am so glad all the northern people are getting so much needed relief from the nasty weather.
I don't have anything great happening this weekend I am still trying to get some grass growing and some flowers growing and the dogs think that they need to fertilize all of it.
When are you getting your new puppy. Is it already in the oven?|||Good afternoon! My lovely dog is at the groomers right now, getting a full groom and teeth brushing. I'm in the process of taking pictures of my house and writing an autobiography for CCI, so I would be able to get onto the waiting list. It was raining all week but thankfully it stopped for today; tomorrow ain't promised though.|||Ski-jorring today was really good - we got 24 cm of snow in the last day and its like a Christmas Carol in Ontario right now.
Doberman is a workhorse and I've really enjoyed the winter with her dragging me all over.
Hoping snow lasts through the weekend - its going to be a sunny one.|||The plan was to get the dogs out ALOT. Being cooped up all winter has been tough. But....right now it is snowing :( so the plans have changed. Indoor activities :(
I have 2 pb dachshunds, 1 chiweenie (really really needs to get out on a leash or run in the yard) and one foster pb dachshund.
Congrats on the new job.|||Morning Rayven, even though the sun is shining here in NE Ohio it is still only about 22 degrees.
The dogs and I are waiting patiently for spring to come so we can get play yard in shape for summer.
Thanks for the clone info.|||I am getting my puppy next month and I am excited to see my puppy on webcam! The breeder and I webcam to see the puppy every weekend so I can take pictures to see the progress!|||We are supposed to have rain here all weekend. No walk in the park or horseback riding with my brother's family. Hopefully the next weekend will be better.|||No real plans - just the same old same old and trying to keep calm because my latest BP reading has gone through the roof - scary. Is it this place LOL.
But I'm going to make all you snow bunnies sick - it's been almost 20C today here in the UK, wall to wall sunshine although it's clouded over now. I'm frantically trying to resurrect the back grass as previously mentioned. It's had one cut now, and looking marginally better, I think.
My two have enjoyed bones this morning out there - she was fine, he didn't know quite what to do with his (first time, with me) and of course went into the 'her's is better than mine' routine. Until he realised she'd have his face off he he got too close.|||It's miserable out here. Cold and it was snowing this morning! My five are hating it. Get this, one of them threw up in the bathtub last night? How insane is that? I've had dogs my entire life and I've never had something so bizarre happen. I honestly laughed out loud at it.
Due to the weather, we won't be doing anything fun. We usually have intense fetch games going. Come summer, we'll be taking one at a time to go jogging in the park and maybe hiking for the day in Missouri.
We've been working with our newest, a five month old Akita/GSD dog, on basic obedience. I've never had such a distraction prone dog. It's a handful!
I also found out that the local Tractor Supply is having a low cost shot clinic so that's exciting. It'll only be $10 to get my Chi his rabies shot vs $50 with the appointment fee. Awesome!
Bad news, my dear kitty appears to be entering kidney failure. She's almost seventeen so I can't be too surprised. Still sad though.|||It's Friday??
Gah... I guess you lose track of the days when you are laying in bed sweating and naseause with a 101.5F fever.
I'm not sure what's up with my dogs.. I haven't been the one taking care of them this week... well... except we're keeping boys and girls seperate at the moment since one of the girls is in heat, and we have some rather frustrated males, LOL.
The worst part of it all? I've been waiting for opportunities to get outside and do the gardening--- I have so much I need to do outside, and it's BEAUTIFUL. It was in the 60s and not raining AT ALL for the past few days, and all I've been able to do is lay in bed and moan. :'(|||No weekend plans with my dogs, its going to be another week away from them. I work backshift tonight, then driving to the airport several hours away for an early Sunday morning flight heading to North Carolina. Just me going so no kennel for the boys.
The weather has been nice, then woke up this morning to snow, but the boys are enjoying the warmer weather. Hary has been spending a lot more time in his run lately and Chatham has been soaking up the sunshine (he lays in the spots where the sun shines in the window). I'm still waiting for it to get warmer.
Thanks for the info. I will be using it.
Congrats on the new job and future puppy.
Uhavetobe - so sorry for your loss.|||My parents are coming to visit this weekend so my 3 month old Shib Inu named Wally will be getting lots of new love (he has never met my parents before) and special walks at the local nature park since my mom wants go there. He loves it out there but we don't get very far because EVERYBODY wants to stop and pet him, he is such a little stud lol.
We have gotten any snow here in Colorado this whole month which was awesome but I hear it supposed to snow tomorrow or sunday (bummer!) Either way Wally loves it. Have a good weekend. Pet your dog for me!|||Good Morning!
Good News? Hm…It is Friday! My In-Laws’s Great Pyr/Border Collie has taken very well to his new medication and is Mobile again! Now it is just time to get some weight off of him!
Our dogs LOVE the warmer weather! We have been out on walks, hikes, and the big dog on runs! There behavior is better too! They weren’t being bad inside, just REALLY needy! No amount of play could calm their wanting to play outside! We are hoping that in a month we can take them swimming again! Unfortunately we are headed to “Grandma’s” in the Fingerlakes region of NY for the weekend…they have snow…the dachshund is NOT going to be thrilled.
Congrats on the summer puppy! While I LOVE puppies, Hubby and I aren’t sure if we can do another pup! We are thinking adult adoption from a breed specific rescue is a better route for us. I have been itching for a Rescue Greyhound for years. I think once we have bought a house and fenced in a back yard that will be our next dog! No new dogs till we have a house and fenced in yard!|||Congrats on the new job and the TV thing. All I get is stupid network TV and it sucks.
I've been sick for a week now with the strangest virus I've ever gotten. Usually I get a real bad sore throat for one day and then from then on I improve drastically. Well, this week I haven't gotten a bad sore throat, just a mild one and a nightly fever. I even had to skip class on Monday, which I never have done. On Wednesday, I thought I was almost through with it, so I went to class, but later my fever was back up to 103! Now I'm improving.
As you can probably imagine, I haven't been up to much, let alone paying attention to the dogs. They're doing same things as always; eat, sleep, play. I'm pissed that I've been cooped up inside though, because it's been beautiful out lately, with 60s, 70s, and 80s. Soon it'll be 110 degrees and I won't be able to get anything done.
Nothing planned. Might do something like a few runaways for training exercises and pick up some meat.
Well, I'm enjoying this weather, but not what's coming.
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