Sunday, February 12, 2012

Americans: Portland, Seattle or Minneapolis?

I'm from Scotland, way up north in Scotland in a small city called Inverness. I've always wanted to live in America and I like those three cities, I don't like the hot weather or I would have chose Pheonix, Arizona as it looks nice. The Portland I am wanting is the one in Oregon not Maine.

What city is best, what is crime like in those cities? Thanks :)Americans: Portland, Seattle or Minneapolis?
You can google to compare crime statistics, home values, employment... on sites like

Personally I would choose Minneapolis because I would rather have snow than rain.
All three are good cities.

There's crime in every city. Where there are people, there is crime. But all three cities have relatively low crime rates compared to NYC, LA or Chicago.

As for which city is best, it depends on what you're looking for.

Seattle and Minneapolis are major metropolitan areas, Portland less so.

Portland has only two major sports franchise (basketball and major league soccer). Minneapolis has all four majors (football, basketball, baseball and hockey), while Seattle has only football, baseball and major league soccer.

All three cities are relatively progressive politically and very well read.

One major difference between the three states that house the cities is that medical marijuana is legal in both Oregon and Washington but not Minnesota.

Weather wise, Seattle and Portland are cool, damp and rainy, while Minneapolis is drier but gets REALLY cold in the winter.

And advantage of Seattle over both cities is that it's relatively close to Vancouver, Canada.

As for public transportation, Portland has a fairly extensive light rail system. Seattle has a pretty good system of electric buses and Minneapolis would come in third in that department.

Seattle and especially Portland are known for being VERY environmentally conscious. Portland's probably the "greenest" of the three cities.

Portland's near a river, Seattle's near a sound and Minneapolis has a million lakes nearby.

Economically, Seattle probably has the most diverse economy, followed by Minneapolis, then Portland.

As for the culture factor, all three cities are pretty cool, but I'd rank them as Seattle first, Portland second and Minneapolis third.

Seattle and Portland are on the West Coast, while Minneapolis is definitely a Midwest city. (I prefer the West to the Midwest.)

As far as demographics, Portland's probably the "whitest" of the three cities. All three cities are pretty diverse though but there are more Asians on the West Coast, particularly in Seattle.

Seattle and Minneapolis have major flagship universities located right in the city (the University of Washington and the University of Minnesota respectively), while the University of Oregon is located in Eugene, some few miles away.

Seattle and Portland have access to Mt. Ranier and Mt. Hood respectively while Minneapolis is in a plain.

There are more differences but I think I've provided you with a nice little outline.

All three are good American cities.

If I had to choose between the three, I'd probably go with Seattle, then Portland with Minneapolis being my last choice.

Good luck!Americans: Portland, Seattle or Minneapolis?

There's not as much going on in Portland (the Oregonians like it like that), and Minneapolis is like living in an ice box for several months out of each year.

The climate around Puget Sound and much of Oregon is very rainy, except in mid-summer. I have heard it compared as being similar to much of Scotland.
Portland or Seattle would have climates similar to what you are accustomed to. Both are good places to live. Minneapolis is a beautiful city with beautiful summers and brutal almost polar winters. Beware.Americans: Portland, Seattle or Minneapolis?
Portland and Seattle are now far too liberal to be considered American.

If you live in Portland, these are the taxes you'll be forced to pay:

--Federal income tax
--Oregon state income tax
--Multnomah County income tax
--Portland city income tax
--Tri-county income tax

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